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  • Writer's pictureBrittany Duncan

A Modern Take on Being A Homemaker

The Oxford definition of a Homemaker reads as follows: "a person who spends their time looking after a home and doing housework rather than being employed outside the home (typically applied to a woman)." When I initially encountered this description, my identity as a homemaker led me to pause in disbelief. The phrase "rather than being employed outside of the home" accompanied by the somewhat archaic "typically applied to a woman" triggered an eye-roll. Let me clarify, there is absolutely nothing wrong with pursuing a career as a homemaker; I wholeheartedly support it. However, my primary concern lies in the use of the qualifier "rather," insinuating a mutual exclusivity between being a homemaker and engaging in professional work. In a way I am grateful for this outdated definition of being a homemaker because it inspired me to start my podcast "Untraditionally Traditional: A Millennial Homemaker" to tackle the topic of being a modern homemaker, a working homemaker.

It also inspired me to create my own personal definition for Homemaker. The Untraditionally Traditional definition of a homemaker is: "Someone who brings life and soul into a house to make it a home. Someone who spends their time and energy to make the home the best it can be for their family. Who strives to make the home a place of beauty, peace, health, and comfort. Someone who seeks to make things last, who believes in quality, and who wants the best for their family.

Whether you are married or single, a man or a woman, at age 18, 25, 45, or 98, you can be a homemaker. Homeownership is not a prerequisite; a caring attitude toward the space you inhabit is. Each homemaker is unique and—much like fingerprints, no two are alike. You have the freedom to define what being a homemaker means to you. I encourage you to craft your own definition, as I have, and let it illuminate your path.

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1 Comment

Dec 21, 2023

I love this! Redefining homemaking to modernize and diversify. ❤️ great post!

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